If you are over 65 years, chances are you might be suffering from memory loss. It is advised to talk to us and know more about the early signs and symptoms of dementia.

It is quite a normal thing for your memory to get affected due to tiredness, stress, medications and certain illnesses.

However, dementia is not about memory loss only but it can also have an effect on the way how you speak, feel, think and behave.

Though dementia treatments cannot cure or reverse the decline, it can delay its progress and an early diagnosis is highly recommended.



At SilverCare, we will help you detect the symptoms of dementia at an early stage and get it treated.

  • Memory loss
  • Difficulty in concentration
  • find it hard to perform daily activities like getting confused every now and then
  • change in mood
  • struggling to choose the right word for starting a conversation
  • being confused about place and time

At SilverCare, we will help you detect the symptoms of dementia at an early stage and get it treated.

Our Dementia starts at N100,000.00 per assessment

Dementia Assessment
  • Medical Consultation and Health assessment
  • Comprehensive Examination
  • Random Blood Glucose
  • Blood Pressure Check
  • Old Age Psychiatry Assessment
  • Nutritionist Assessment
  • Medication Review and Recommendations
  • Eye Check
  • Hearing Test
  • Falls Assessment
  • Lifestyle Assessment
  • Laboratory Investigations
  • Home Exercise Plan
  • Complimentary prescription
  • Dementia Health Report
  • 10% discount for membership packages
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